10 Survival Tips to Training Muay Thai in Thailand


By Sean Fagan

thailand training camp khongsittha muay thaiTraining in Thailand can be a daunting task. Everyone who has done it has made a number of mistakes (including Paul and I) and are constantly learning new things about training in the motherland of Muay Thai.

Our goal for this podcast episode is to get you as prepared as possible for the intense training that comes with Muay Thai in Thailand. Follow these 10 survival tips for training in Thailand and you’ll be happy you did 

Click To Listen ===> 10 Survival Tips For Training In Thailand

Here’s a brief summary of the things we cover in this weeks podcast:

#1. Proper Cooldown – It’s critical to minimize delayed onset muscle soreness and keep the body from locking up in future sessions.

#2. Thai Liniment – This stuff is awesome! It will help warm up stiff joints, minimize pain and help keep you from being unbelievable sore.

#3. Electrolytes and Hydration –...

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3 Saenchai Muay Thai Techniques


By Sean Fagan

It was an absolute honor getting cartwheel kicked in the head by the great Saenchai.

Having a living legend and best pound-for-pound fighter hold a seminar at our Nak Muay Nation Training Camp was one of the MANY amazing highlights of the camp. Besides learning some of Saenchai’s favorite Muay Thai techniques, a handful of us (including myself) had the opportunity to do some light sparring with him too… which was epic!

Take a look at some of the seminar footage which includes my sparring round with him as well as 3 of his favorite Muay Thai techniques:

3 Saenchai Muay Thai Techniques


Saenchai Technique #1: Fake Roundhouse To Teep

Saenchai is known for his tricky kicking techniques so we were all pretty excited when he was showing us things like the fake roundhouse to teep. A major aspect of this technique is having the hip dexterity to start in the trajectory of...

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Muay Thai Tattoos and Meanings


By Sean Fagan

Ever wonder what the sak yant Muay Thai tattoos mean?

The meanings and spiritual powers of sak yant thai tattoos like the 5 lines, the tiger and hanuman are meant to give Muay Thai fighters protection, good luck, success, and other desirable attributes.

All sak yant Muay Thai tattoos are traditionally done by practicing Buddhist monks with bamboo needles. Using single bamboo needles takes much longer and is more painful than newer tattoo guns they use in most shops.

It’s bad luck if you get a sak yant Thai tattoo done by someone who is not a Buddhist monk and doesn’t use a bamboo stick. Plus, the bearer of the fake sak yant won’t be blessed with the supernatural or sacred powers it supposedly possesses. To get the full spiritual effect of any of Muay Thai tattoo, you must get it done the right way.

Sak Yant Muay Thai Tattoos and Meanings

Hah Taew

(5 Sacred Lines)


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How To Get a Sak Yant Tattoo In Thailand


By Angela Chang


Sak yant are traditional Thai tattoos. Literally meaning “tattoo yantra,” they are believed to be magical and give the bearer protection, strength, good fortune and more, depending on the yantra received.

Sak yant is extremely popular in the Muay Thai community, namely with those who have visited Thailand. With geometric shapes and depictions of animals and gods, sak yant is as beautiful as it is painful to receive.

Who does sak yant?

Sak yant are done by monks or arjans who have studied the art for a very long time. (They are also usually longtime ex-monks.) Monks are not allowed to make profit off doing the tattoos as part of their code, so going to a temple to get it done is always donation-based. One of the most popular temples to get sak yant done is Wat...

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How To Watch a Muay Thai Fight


By Saks

This article is an attempt to try to explain the rules to watching a Muay Thai match. Now this is a feat that is quite more complicated than you would expect due to the evolution of rules which may, or may not be dictated by the current state of gambling in Thailand.

The Basic Rule Setmuay thai fight rules kick for kick in thailand

  • A Muay Thai match consists of 5×3 min rounds with a 2 min rest in between rounds
  • Each round is scored with a total of 10 points, which is accumulated for the total of 5 rounds to equal 50 points, unlike boxing where it’s scored in individual rounds.
  • Points are scored according to clean strikes; punches, kicks, elbows, knees and sweeps.  Kicks, elbows, knees, sweeps, and a dominant clinch score more points than a clean punch, unless the punch results in a knockdown or does visible damage.
  • When locked up in the clinch both fighters will battle for the dominant position.  When knees are executed in the clinch they must be...
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While in Thailand, Eat This! Not That!


By Angela Chang

Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, grilled proteins, peanut sauce… these are a few things we think of when we hear “Thai food.” Though most homemade Thai food is extremely healthy and features many herbs and spices, it is not so much the case when it comes to eating out.

Okay, so eating out at your favorite Thai restaurant back home is easy enough when you get the option of putting in and leaving out what you want into your noodle dish. But what about when you are actually in Thailand? What are the best options to get and stay healthy while you’re traveling through a country being surrounded by delicious food everywhere?

Let’s start with a few phrases:

"Little bit": nid noy นิดหนอย

"Oil": nam man นำมัน

"Little oil": nam man nid noy นำมันนิดหนอย

"Don’t add/Don’t put in": Mai sai _____  ไมใส

"Sugar": nam taan น...

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5 Mistakes To Avoid Training Muay Thai In Thailand


By Sean Fagan

Are you thinking about training Muay Thai in Thailand?

Do yourself this one favor. Before you head over to train at a Muay Thai training camp in Thailand, get an of idea of what to expect for the training and living conditions.

Training in Thailand is no joke and you have to do your research and be prepared!

Muay Thai training camps in Thailand provide Nak Muay (muay thai students) like yourself with the perfect venue to take your skills to the next level. By traveling to the home of this awesome martial art you will have access to the best teachers, great training partners and the most effective training routines.

Chances are it will mean training at an intensity that your mind and body are not used to. The initial adjustment period can be a bit of a challenge, but the potential payoff makes the hardships along the way worthwhile.

If you want to make training Muay Thai in Thailand a positive life changing...

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“Embracing” The Thai Clinch: Embarrassment & Epiphanies Inside the Clinch

My Frustrations, Anxiety and Eventual Enlightenment Inside The Muay Thai Clinch


HATED the clinch.

Whenever clinch training would go down I would try to find an excuse to miss out on grappling with the other fighters. I wasn’t proud when I would opt out of clinch class, but my fear of being embarrassed, getting kneed at will, and being tossed around like a rag doll would always win over.

SUCKED at the clinch.

Mainly because I would always avoid training it!

Although I was well aware of the fact that I would always back out of clinch training, I would try to make myself feel better by telling myself that I’m a good enough fighter to do well without engaging on the inside. Who needs the clinch when you can just knock people out with your hands right?


Unfortunately, I had to learn this through experience, which in hindsight was probably the only way I was going to actually learn the importance of training and accepting the Thai...

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Ordering In Thailand with a Food Restriction

A Second Helping From MTG Writer at Large Angela Chang


Don’t add/don’t put in _____ = Mai sai _____  ไมใส

I’m allergic to _____ = Chan paa _____ ฉันแพ

Now let’s learn a few new words that have to do with food:

Chilli = prik พริก

milk = nom นม
MSG = pong choo-rot ผงชูรส

Nuts = tua leesong ถัวลิสง
meat = neuha-sat เนือสัตว

egg = kai ไข
seafood = ah-han ta-lay อาหารทะเล
shrimp = goong กุง
fish = bplah ปลา

crab = bpoo ปู

pork = moo หมู
chicken = gai ไก

beef = neuh-wua เนือวัว

duck = bpèt เปด

fish sauce = nam bplah นำปลาgluten = bpaang แปง

NOTE: Thai is a tonal language, and Thais know that most foreigners struggle with the tones and are pretty forgiving if you pronounce something wrong. But try practicing the words on your own a few...

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Where to Learn Muay Boran in Thailand

Where to Learn Muay Boran in Thailand

Muay Boran is a Thai martial art that is still relatively unknown in the west. The movies of Tony Jaa have helped to showcase this impressive combat system, but there can be confusion as to what this style actually involves and where to go to learn it.

tonyjaamuayboranIt is only relatively recently that westerners visiting Thailand had much of an opportunity to receive instruction in this Thai martial art but things are changing. Due to the growing demand for Muay Boran some of the more popular Muay Thai camps (in places like Phuket) are now providing courses for their students. There are also a number of traditional training camps that are willing to teach this traditional art to foreigners.

The options for learning Muay Born in Thailand would include:

Muay Thai Conservation Centre

The Muay Thai Conservation Centre is located to the rear of the National Stadium near Siam Square.

The main instructor at the school is Master Suphan and he is dedicated...

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