How To Watch a Muay Thai Fight


By Saks

This article is an attempt to try to explain the rules to watching a Muay Thai match. Now this is a feat that is quite more complicated than you would expect due to the evolution of rules which may, or may not be dictated by the current state of gambling in Thailand.

The Basic Rule Setmuay thai fight rules kick for kick in thailand

  • A Muay Thai match consists of 5×3 min rounds with a 2 min rest in between rounds
  • Each round is scored with a total of 10 points, which is accumulated for the total of 5 rounds to equal 50 points, unlike boxing where it’s scored in individual rounds.
  • Points are scored according to clean strikes; punches, kicks, elbows, knees and sweeps.  Kicks, elbows, knees, sweeps, and a dominant clinch score more points than a clean punch, unless the punch results in a knockdown or does visible damage.
  • When locked up in the clinch both fighters will battle for the dominant position.  When knees are executed in the clinch they must be...
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