Muay Thai Tattoos and Meanings


By Sean Fagan

Ever wonder what the sak yant Muay Thai tattoos mean?

The meanings and spiritual powers of sak yant thai tattoos like the 5 lines, the tiger and hanuman are meant to give Muay Thai fighters protection, good luck, success, and other desirable attributes.

All sak yant Muay Thai tattoos are traditionally done by practicing Buddhist monks with bamboo needles. Using single bamboo needles takes much longer and is more painful than newer tattoo guns they use in most shops.

It’s bad luck if you get a sak yant Thai tattoo done by someone who is not a Buddhist monk and doesn’t use a bamboo stick. Plus, the bearer of the fake sak yant won’t be blessed with the supernatural or sacred powers it supposedly possesses. To get the full spiritual effect of any of Muay Thai tattoo, you must get it done the right way.

Sak Yant Muay Thai Tattoos and Meanings

Hah Taew

(5 Sacred Lines)


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FAQs to Getting a Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand

What Is A Sak Yant Tattoo?

And How Do I Get One in Thailand?

Sak yant are traditional Thai tattoos. Literally meaning “tattoo yantra”, they are believed to be magical and give the bearer protection, strength, good fortune, and more, depending on the yantra received.

Sak yant is extremely popular in the Muay Thai community, namely in those that have visited Thailand. With geometric shapes and depictions of animals and gods, sak yant is as beautiful as it is painful to receive.

muay thai sak yant tattoos in thailand

Who does sak yant?

Sak yant are done by monks or arjan who have studied the art for a very long time (are also usually long time ex-monks). Monks are not allowed to make profit off doing the tattoos, as part of their code, so going to a temple to get it done is always donation-based. One of the most popular temples to get sak yant done is Wat Bang Phra.

If you go to a temple, be sure to dress appropriately by covering your legs and shoulders,...

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