By Chris Starkhagen
Muay Thai is one of the toughest sports to train for -- and probably the most grueling thing you'll ever endure.
It's hard. It's painful. It's relentless. Muay Thai is like the training montage in Rocky.
With that said, don’t be scared, as there are tremendous benefits worth every drop of sweat.
And trust me: you're gonna sweat. Because Muay Thai trainers emphasize perseverance over everything else:
It will transform you both physically but moreso mentally. The martial arts skills you master translate into your life in ways that you never thought possible, things just go smoother.
By the end of each training session, you’ll feel an urge to get back in again, to grow, to progress, and become stronger.
Let's take...
“What’s it like fighting Muay Thai in Thailand?”
I get asked this question a lot, particularly from family and friends who just don’t quite “get” the difference. Fighting back home, where you’re comfortable and surrounded by love and support, is a lot different than fighting in Thailand– birthplace of the sport and home to the best nak muay in the world. Even the dude who delivered your pizza in Bangkok last night could (and would, for the right amount of baht) whoop your ass. Having your first fight in Thailand is a mountain to climb, my friends.
But check this out: imagine having your first fight in Thailand surrounded by well-wishers and team members; imagine having legitimate Muay Thai training in the weeks leading up to this fight; and imagine feeling more ready, more confident, and more pumped than ever to bang in the...
“What training camp should I go to in Thailand?”
This is by far one of, if not THE most asked question Paul and I get from fans from all over the world. And guess what? We almost never have a good answer to give because it depends on such a wide variety of factors including your goals, budget, likes/dislikes, experience, etc.
Instead of giving a vague answer to this extremely common question, we figured that covering it in detail in a podcast would be the best way to go. So, if you are in the midst of deciding which gym you should be training at in Thailand, this podcast episode will hopefully answer all your questions!
(My voice is a bit echo-ey in this podcast, so my apologies on that, I’m not sure why that happened. I do sound much more epic when I talk though.)
We talk about all the things you should consider when traveling to...
Training in Thailand can be a daunting task. Everyone who has done it has made a number of mistakes (including Paul and I) and are constantly learning new things about training in the motherland of Muay Thai.
Our goal for this podcast episode is to get you as prepared as possible for the intense training that comes with Muay Thai in Thailand. Follow these 10 survival tips for training in Thailand and you’ll be happy you did
Here’s a brief summary of the things we cover in this weeks podcast:
#1. Proper Cooldown – It’s critical to minimize delayed onset muscle soreness and keep the body from locking up in future sessions.
#2. Thai Liniment – This stuff is awesome! It will help warm up stiff joints, minimize pain and help keep you from being unbelievable sore.
#3. Electrolytes and Hydration –...
It was an absolute honor getting cartwheel kicked in the head by the great Saenchai.
Having a living legend and best pound-for-pound fighter hold a seminar at our Nak Muay Nation Training Camp was one of the MANY amazing highlights of the camp. Besides learning some of Saenchai’s favorite Muay Thai techniques, a handful of us (including myself) had the opportunity to do some light sparring with him too… which was epic!
Take a look at some of the seminar footage which includes my sparring round with him as well as 3 of his favorite Muay Thai techniques:
Saenchai Technique #1: Fake Roundhouse To Teep
Saenchai is known for his tricky kicking techniques so we were all pretty excited when he was showing us things like the fake roundhouse to teep. A major aspect of this technique is having the hip dexterity to start in the trajectory of...
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