Basic Muay Thai Footwork: Cutting Angles And Evading

How To Utilize Basic Evasive Footwork To Take Dominant Angles

Footwork done properly allows you to take dominant angles, which allows you to accomplish the ultimate aim of fighting: to hit and not get hit.

Fighting is one of the most difficult tasks anyone will have to deal with, it makes no sense to fight an opponent head on. Always look for an advantage, the evasive maneuvers, the dominant angles. It’s better to be better than it is to be equal.

Back straight up and you’ll be blasted till kingdom come. Side step your opponent’s forward movement and you’ll be turning the tables on your foe. Tread carefully and slowly on matters of footwork. One step in the wrong direction or with the incorrect foot leads you to be placed right in your opponent’s sights. But one step in the right direction or with the correct foot places you on the high grounds, overlooking your opponent as he crumbles.

Basic Muay Thai Footwork: Cutting Angles and Evasion...

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6 Muay Thai Clinch Techniques: Knees, Elbows, Throws and Drills

Muay Thai Knees, Elbows and Sweep Techniques

The Muay Thai clinch.

It can be your best friend or your worst enemy… and I’m guessing you want to be friends with your clinch game right?

When it comes to learning the intricacies of the clinch game it can get a bit overwhelming. There are basically an infinite number of clinch knees, elbows, sweeps, defensive moves and off-balance techniques that you have to be aware of to be proficient when battling on the inside.

So, in order to help you add more variety to your and embrace the clinch game I want to share you some of the best Muay Thai clinch techniques that you should consider adding to your skill set.

First I want to show you a couple effective clinch knee techniques that you can utilize to land a flush knee either to your opponents body or head. The first video below is by UK Muay Thai champ, Damien Trainor of K-Star Legacy Gym who demonstrates a useful off-balancing technique followed by a knee. The second...

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