What is Head Movement?


By Matilda Chiu

The following is a different perspective on head movement. I don’t claim to be expert on the subject, rather a student of the game exploring the idea of head movement in the context of Muay Thai. 


Muay Thai does not typically emphasize head movement. It is not commonly drilled as it is in boxing. This is due to the diversification of attacks from punching. Defending the head becomes de-emphasized when your opponent mixes in kicks to the body and leg. However, when faced with a volume puncher, a fighter without head movement could be at a disadvantage.

How To Define “Moving the Head”:

What do you do when someone asks you to move your head? Moving the head involves flexion and contraction of the neck muscles. The resulting head positions are up and down (nodding), left and right (shaking the head), and tilted (ear to shoulder).

“Head Movement” From The...

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