A Muay Thai Stoner

My Take On Marijuana and Muay Thai

Yea, I smoke weed. Crazy right?

I personally don’t think so, but a majority of people who I tell think it’s absolutely insane.

Smoking a blunt or ripping the bong after a long day of Muay Thai training is one of the best ways for me to unwind, relax and reward myself. It helps me reflect on the day and think about what I want to focus on the next day. I truly believe that smoking weed has helped me in my career in more ways than one.

You might think I’m stupid, immature or irresponsible because I smoke the reefer.

Am I stupid?

Yea, sometimes. I do tend to say idiotic things when I’m high, but I also am at my most creative. Some of my best work or ideas have come to me shortly after a bong rip. Hell, I’m even writing this as I’m baked. I think it’s off to a good start so far… but then again, I’m high, so it’s hard to tell.

Immature? I don’t think so.

I mean, just like I can say...

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