Muay Thai Gym Etiquette: Doā€™s and Dontā€™s

etiquette gym podcast Feb 19, 2020


By Sean Fagan

There are some unwritten rules when it comes to stepping foot into a new gym. However, most people are unaware of these unwritten rules because, well – they’re unwritten.

Fortunately, MTG writer Angela Chang put together a great post a few weeks back on the 13 Rules For Proper Gym Etiquette, which gave Paul and I the idea to cover the same topic in podcast form… so that’s exactly what we did!

Click Here To Listen To TMTG 073: Muay Thai Gym Etiquette: Do’s and Dont’s

We cover the 13 aspects that Angela talk about but go into further detail about each area including:

  • Don’t be late! Show up on time and show that you’re ready to put in the work.
  • No shoes on the mat. Should be quite obvious, but people tend to neglect it.
  • Get your own gear. Sometimes gyms have lender equipment, but you’re always better off using your own (for cleanliness...
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13 Rules for Proper Muay Thai Gym Etiquette

etiquette gym rules tips May 16, 2019

No matter how long or short you’ve been practicing Muay Thai, it’s always good to look over some general etiquette so the gym is a comfortable place for everyone.

By Sean Fagan

1. Show up on time. Better yet, show up 10-15 min early.

One of the best quotes when it comes to punctuality came from the movie Drumline:

“If you’re on time you’re late, if you’re early you’re on time.”

Get off to a good start by showing your trainers that you’re game and ready to learn; the first step to doing this is respecting the class start and end times. Show up early to change, wrap your hands, and other things you may need to do before taking a class.

2. No shoes on the mat.

This goes for most martial arts, not just Muay Thai. Stepping on the mat with your shoes brings in all the dirty stuff from outside and can include diseases like staph.

3. Have and bring your own gear.

If you’re just starting out, it’s understandable that you...

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