My 5 Favorite Muay Thai Combinations

 The Muay Thai Guy's Favorite Muay Thai Combos

Throughout my Muay Thai career there has been certain Muay Thai combinations and techniques I find myself using more than others. After looking through some of my past fights I realized that there were a handful of combos that I kept using successfully…

Some of them are basic combos and a couple of them are more advanced techniques, but either way these are the best Muay Thai combos that I tend to using during sparring and fights. Check out the video below to see the combinations and my go-to moves being used in my past fights!

My 5 Best Muay Thai Combinations

  1. Jab – Overhand
  2. Jab – Overhand (Miss) – Left Kick
  3. Hook – Low Kick
  4. Teep – Fake Teep – Step Knee
  5. Switch Kick – Switch Hook

Now you’ve got some of my favorite combos down, why not add even more to your arsenal of attacks?

Basics win fights! Practice and perfect these 10 basic Muay Thai combos and start using them...

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