How To Cut Weight For Muay Thai, MMA & Other Combat Sports

Why Cut Weight At All?

More likely than not, if you plan on going far in your respective sport, you are going to have to cut weight at some point. Yes it sucks, and yes it’s not the most fun thing in the world, but if you want to keep the odds in your favor, cutting weight is a must.

Benefits Of Weight Cutting

how to cut weight for muay thai mma wrestlin

If you are able to cut weight safely and effectively and refuel properly after weigh ins, you will most likely hold a huge strength and power advantage on your opponent.

For instance, I walk around at about 160lbs but weigh in the day before the Muay Thai fight at 147lbs. But just because I weigh in at 145lbs doesn’t mean I fight at that weight.

After rapid rehydration and refueling my body with the liquids and foods it needs, I weigh about 157-158lbs when I step into the ring. That’s almost 15 extra pounds I can use to my advantage!

Dangers Of Weight Cutting

Unfortunately some athletes and fighters go about weight cutting the wrong way by either starving...

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