The Ultimate Guide To The Muay Thai Clinch

Everything You Need To Know About Clinching For Muay Thai

clinch knee

If you’re a newcomer to Muay Thai, it might not be immediately clear why the clinch is so important to a sport that appears to be little more than kickboxing.

The clinch is what really makes Muay Thai unique. While much is made of the shin kicks and knee strikes of Muay Thai, it’s the presence of wrestling that makes Muay Thai so different to other forms of kick fighting.

If you find yourself constantly getting ragdolled and beaten up in the clinch, it will be near-impossible to advance your Muay Thai career. Learning how to control your opponent is the ultimate form of combat dominance. From tie-ups to sweeps, and knees to elbows, mastering every element of the clinch gives you the foundation needed to be a truly effective nak muay!


Land clean elbows, bruising knees & knockout slams – ALL FROM THE CLINCH! This...

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