4 Flexible Dieting Tips For Muay Thai Athletes

How To Eat The Food You Love While Maintaining Your Weight  

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If you’ve been on the internet chances are you’ve seen a post of someone eating some crazy amount of junk food or a calorie bomb like a triple cheeseburger with donuts for buns.

The caption underneath will read IIFYM or If It Fits Your Macros.

How can people who claim to be “clean eaters” justify this?

How does that guy still have a six-pack when he posts him eating “dirty” foods?

Another name for this nutritional approach is flexible dieting. What this means is that some fitness enthusiasts will breakdown their daily amounts of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, fats) which also translates into daily calorie totals.

Once someone decides on the macro-breakdown they want to eat (in accordance with their goals) the daily meal plan becomes anycombination of foods that hits the macros for the day. Instead of straight...

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