100 Kicks For 100 Days Challenge (Quarantine Edition)


By Sean Fagan

Quarantine sucks. The gyms are closed, you can’t meet up with your training partners, you’ve got no one to spar with, and everything just sucks

BUT! It does not have to be this way. Even if you’re stuck in self-isolation and you have no gym or anything at all to train with, you still have your body, your mind, and your creativity! And that’s all you need to keep improving. 

To show you that you can still keep improving your Muay Thai skills while in self-isolation, I'm launching a brand-new challenge:

"100 Kicks For 100 Days"

Not only is it a way for you to improve your Muay Thai skills, it's also FUN! And that’s something we all need right now. I want you to have fun and prove to yourself that you don’t have to come out of self-isolation worse off than you were before. I believe that you can come out an even better and stronger person!

Remember: tough times shape tough people. How are you gonna come out of this? Weaker... or stronger?

 100 Kicks For 100 Days Challenge (Quarantine Edition)

Strength In Numbers

Earlier in this post, I mentioned creativity. Luckily, we humans are very creative and have developed this awesome thing called technology, which we can use to stay connected! We might be in self-isolation, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected. 

That’s why I strongly encourage you to join the Facebook group or just any group for Muay Thai whether it’s a group on Reddit, Discord, Facebook, or whatever. The thing about improving at not just Muay Thai but ANYTHING is that the mind is the key driver. 

Think about all the amazing things that have been invented and created in the world. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just some lone genius coming up with brilliant ideas. It’s an entire TEAM working together to make something incredible happen.

Likewise in Muay Thai, it’s not just about the body. It’s about the mind. Think about the great Muay Thai gyms and martial arts gyms in general, what makes them great is that you have lots of people coming together and exchanging all different types of knowledge and improving on that knowledge and helping each other grow.

That is another reason why I started this challenge in the first place. I want everyone to come together. Because not only is meeting new people lots of fun, it’s also one of the best ways to grow! When life gets tough, you can’t always get through it alone. You need other people around you, supporting you, keeping you strong. And it just makes life so much more meaningful when you have awesome people around you. 

I want to show that even with self-isolation, we can come out of this with even stronger relationships than ever, even better Muay Thai skills than ever, and even stronger and tougher than ever! So join me in taking this challenge: 100 kicks for 100 days! Sign up for your free 100-day workout tracker for this challenge.

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