Love Muay Thai? Love traveling? Then what better way to escape the daily grind of life than taking a holiday training Muay Thai in a beautiful environment!



7-Day Luxury Muay Thai Retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica


January 18-25, 2025 - Jungles Edge

Take a vacation of a lifetime and book your 7-Day All-Inclusive Muay Thai Vacation in the beautiful country of Costa Rica! 

Surround yourself with the beauty of Costa Rica's jungles, beaches and waterfalls while enjoying the fresh, organic food at The Jungles Edge. 

Learn from professional Muay Thai fighters and yoga instructors to take your fitness, technique and understanding of the arts to the next level.

Stay in a range of eco-friendly accommodations ranging from budget friendly to VIP suites while eating local, Costa-Rican foods!


A Costa Rican Muay Thai Retreat


Look at what past Muay Thai vacationers have had to say about their trips!

2- or 4-Week Training Camp in Thailand


Train just like a professional Muay Thai fighter and attend one of our premium Muay Thai Camps in the motherland of the sport, Thailand. Live, eat & train just like a pro fighter -- and at the end of camp, decide whether or not you want to take a real, live fight (cornered by your trainers and attended by your teammates).

It's the real deal (and it just might be the best vacation of your life).


Look at what past Muay Thai Campers have to say about their experiences.

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7-Day Muay Thai Retreat In Kefalonia, Greece


Travel to the pristine island of Kefalonia to experience an all-inclusive retreat that not only includes daily Muay Thai and yoga, but all the delicious Greek food you could imagine!

Explore underground lakes, hike up to ancient castles and swim in some of the most gorgeous waters you could ever imagine! 

A Day In The Life At a Muay Thai Retreat In Greece

"The past month has been hands down the best month of my life. Living and breathing muay thai 24/7, meeting amazing people from all over the world, exploring the island everyday and getting to live in paradise. I can't wait to be back in August to redo it all again. Thank you Sean, Liz & Muay Thai Vacations for putting together the training camp!"

Chad Mueller
Maryland, USA

"I never want to forget how this entire experience make me feel. I have learned so much about myself and about life by being a part of this amazing Muay Thai Retreat, in the most magical country I've spent time in. I am no means financially rich but when it comes to opportunity, adventure and participation in my own life I feel incredibly wealthy. I have made wonderful connections with new friends and with the universe. I feel cleansed, refreshed and excited for life. I feel the closest to my true self than ever in my life."

Cassie Mansfield
Boston, USA

"Whatever expectations you have going in, the retreat will surely surpass them. This has been one of the most enriching experience of my life! I got better at Muay Thai, saw a beautiful new country and made life long friends from all over the world who share a similar mindset to me. Back home, not many people train and I've always felt Muay Thai was a solo journey I was on. It was an absolute pleasure to find people to share the journey with. The retreat was easily one of the best things I've ever done and the only thing I would change is the fact that it had to end. "

Aditya Sheth
Mumbai, India

"One more big fat thank you to Muay Thai Vacations and everyone who made this the best month ever. I get to leave Thailand with far more than I could have ever imagined! Till next time..."

Lulu M.
London, UK

Frequently Asked Questions

A "Retreat" is a 7 day event that is All-Inclusive (food, training, accommodation, tours, etc.). The Muay Thai classes are 90 minutes long and led by myself (Sean). I focus primarily on technique, partner drills and technical sparring. We also do everything as a group including hikes, dinners out in town, trips to beaches etc.

A "Training Camp" is either 2 or 4 weeks long. It is all-inclusive EXCEPT food is not included because it's so cheap in Thailand and we wouldn't want to restrain you from eating just in one spot. The sessions are led by the Thai trainers and run for 2 hours. We do a lot of group activities including fight nights, hikes and team BBQ's, but there is more time to do exploring on your own as well.

We have a very wide range of experience levels attending these trips. There's been people who have never trained Muay Thai a day in their life, but there's also been experienced fighters who have been training for years.

The great thing about these trips is that the trainers (whether it's myself or the Thai's) all know how to cater to a wide variety of levels, so there's something for everyone!

Yes of course!

In fact, myself and all the trainers  are used to working with all skill levels - especially beginners - and will make sure you learn proper technique early on in your Muay Thai development. It will also help being around and learning from other motivated individuals who are at the camp who may be more experienced than you. Basically, you’ve got nothing to worry about!

I understand that you can choose a hundred other Muay Thai gyms to train at, but the main difference between the camps I host and organize is that we create a TEAM environment.

If you go to other gyms you often just get thrown into the mix and have to find your way around. With our camps, we have private training hours with smaller class sizes. We also all start the camp as a group at the same time.

I also take care of organizing group trips, dinners, fight nights and everything in between, so you don't have to do anything but show up and train!

This also ranges greatly!

We've had teenagers as young as 13 come with their dad as well as 18 year olds take their first solo trip aboard.

On the other side of the coin, we've had men and women in their 50's and 60's attend both the camps and the retreats. And you know the craziest thing about that? Is that they often have the most energy out of the entire group!

Fights are at Thailand camps only.

Fighting is not mandatory by any means, but there will be plenty of opportunities to fight it you would like to step in the ring.

If you choose to fight, there are local promotions that will match you up fairly based on your experience level and weight.

The Muay Thai gym we are at, as well as myself, will ensure you have an even matchup and are prepared properly for fight night.

If cancelled within 60 days, we offer a full refund minus the deposit cost for the room.  

If cancelled inside 60 days of the camp due to a serious life event (injury, sickness or death in the family), we also offer a full refund minus the deposit. 

No refund if cancelled within 60 days. We don’t want you to make any last minute excuses (unless it’s a serious life event) because we know how much of a life-changing experience this will be for you!

It depends on the trip, but here's a general breakdown:


  • 7 nights accommodation
  • 3x meals a day
  • 2x training sessions led by me
  • Daily yoga classes
  • Group tours & hikes
  • Transportation to/from the gyms, beaches etc.
  • And a handful of other little things

Training Camps

  • 14 or 28 nights accommodation
  • 2x training sessions a day at the nearby Muay Thai Gym
  • Daily yoga and fitness classes
  • Group fight night tickets
  • And a few other smaller things ;)

What is NOT Included

  • Airfare
  • Airport Shuttle
  • Laundry Service 
  • Other miscellaneous expenses

No. Your transportation costs (flight + shuttles) are not included.

We will, however, help you by arranging shuttles to and from the airport with you. We'll organize shuttles with other guests arriving/departing at roughly the same time so that everyone saves a lot of $$ by riding together.


We've had vegans, vegetarians, gluten-free diets and everything in between come to our retreats.

We do our absolute best to cater to whatever dietary needs you have :)

No problem!

We offer packages for couples or groups where one person participates in the camp while the other one can relax by the beach or pool. Just let us know and we'll sort out the pricing with you personally.

Adequate travel insurance is crucial to insuring you have a safe trip. It is up to you to make sure you’re covered for the activities involved and to find to proper insurance for your stay.

There are pharmacies and doctors nearby, so if you get ill or injured we will make sure you get quality attention. 

We recommend checking out your countries visa restrictions before booking your flight.

For Thailand, most countries you will receive a 30-day visa on arrival. If you’d like to stay longer you can apply for a tourist visa for 60, 90 or 150 days. Go to for more information.

For other countries it varies, so we recommend doing your own individual research to ensure you're able to make the trip.

P.S. Yes you need a passport and YES check the expiration!

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