Dynamic Warmup Routines For Muay Thai Training


By Sean Fagan

Before each and every training session, I do almost the same exact pre-workout routine. It involves foam rolling, skipping rope, dynamic movements, and some light static stretches.

I find that performing this dynamic warm-up routine before banging the heavy bag or doing any other type of Muay Thai training helps me get prepared in more ways than one.

Probably the most obvious benefit of having this pre-workout warmup is that it gets my body prepared for a hard training session. My muscles loosen up, the blood starts flowing through my veins, and the important areas of my body are ready to put in some work.

Besides being physically prepared to train, having my pre-workout routine gets me mentally focused and in the zone. This short 15-minute session gives me the right amount of time I need in order to get my mind zoned in on what I want to accomplish during my Muay Thai training session.

You should consider creating your own pre-training routine because I guarantee it will help you get the most out of your training since both your body and mind will be on point and ready to go.

My 15-Minute Dynamic Muay Thai Warmup

Keep in mind that this is just the routine I do and that you can modify it any way you’d like. The main idea is that you get your entire body loosened up by performing dynamic movements that allow your muscles to extend throughout their entire range of motion.

Here's another variation of how to warm up for Muay Thai with pro fighter Tiffany Van Soest:

Tiffany Van Soest's Warmup Routine

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